

秋晴れ 6

“有朋自遠方来 不亦楽 ”. 今年も奥さんの高校時代からの親友二人が大阪からやってきた。我猫ジローの主人は喜んでドライバーを引き受ける.初日は中津川から馬籠宿、妻籠宿の宿場町を散策したあと清流と紅葉で有名な阿寺渓谷に足を伸ばした。天気予報は曇り・雨であったが“大阪のおばちゃんパワー”に遠慮したのか晴れ上がった. 宿場町ではアジアからの観光客より圧倒的に欧米の観光客が多かったことに主人は驚いたという. 二日目は松本近郊の美術館巡り.  時々小雨にあったが、紅葉はこの小雨でより艶やかになった. 三日目は上高地を散策した.



馬籠宿、妻籠宿は欧米人に人気のスポットのようだ. There are like the spots where are popular among Westerners.



妻籠宿では猫が日向ぼっこ Cats basked in the sun.


瓢箪の飾り物 Decoration of the gourds.



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清流美しき阿寺渓谷 Clear stream beautiful Atera-Valley

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坑夫像(碌山美術館) Miner statue in colored leaves  (Rokuzan Art Museum)

“It is delightful to have a friend come from afar (in the Analects of Confucius).” Two nice women, friends from the high school days of my master’s wife, came over from Osaka and spent three days in Shinshu. The first day we visited Tumago-juku and Magome-juku – post town-, and then took a walk around Atera-valley in fine weather. In the post towns my master was surprised that post towns were crowded with the tourists of Westerners not tourists from Asia. On the second day, we made a tour of the art museums in Matsumoto area. We had a gentle rain sometimes, but the colored leaves became more fascinating by this gentle rain. On the third day, we took a walk through Kamikouchi.
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秋晴れ 5



名剣温泉の紅葉 Colored leaves of the Meiken-spring

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唐松岳遠望 A distant view of Mt. Karamats


猿飛峡の紅葉 Colored leaves of the Sarutobi valley


トロッコ列車から A view from the special truck train

Nekojiro’s masters went to Kanazawa by business and then stretched out their feet to Kurobe-keikoku (valley). They went to Keyakidaira-Station by a special truck train from Unazuki-Station, and then hiked along the Soboya River to Meikenn-spring. They returned on the way where they came to and withdrew more from Keyakidaira along a river, and they visited the Sarutobi valley. There was the spot where Mt. Karamatsu was seen when they looked back toward the Keyakidaira-Station area on the way to the Sarutobi valley. He seemed to be excited at Mt. Karamatsu to watch from the Hida River; he usually watch’s Mt. Karamatsu from the Shinshu side.
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秋晴れ 4

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松本から白骨温泉の途中にあるダム湖の紅葉   Colored leaves of the dam lake which is located on the way to Shirahone-spring from Matsumoto

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唐松の紅葉   Colored leaves of the Japanese larch

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ナナカマドと乗鞍岳   Rowan and Mt. Norikura-dake

Nekojiro’s master does not update blog recently. He has begun to write his blog while feeling that in this situation he would place autumn blog in the days of a winter scene. The master, who visited the Shirahone-spring again two weeks after the first snowcap of Mt. Norikura-dake, did new discovery. During two weeks, Mt. Norikura-dake put on snow-white clothes and the leaves of deep-blue trees became golden. The golden band continued winding in the top from the foot of Mt. Norikura-dake. He knew that these trees were Japanese larchs while looking at the golden way.
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