



昨夕から夜通しで作られた氷彫のライトアップ-お堀は氷結— Lighted up the ice-carvings made all through the night from yesterevening


北アルプスが赤く染まる頃  The Northern Alps turning red


氷彫1 Ice Sculpture 1


氷彫2 Ice Sculpture 2


氷彫3 Ice Sculpture 3

Matumoto Castle Ice Sculpture Festival 2019
 Before the sunrise, Nekojiro’s masters went to watch Matumoto Castle Ice Sculpture Festival, which becomes the 33rd at this time. The weather was very bad yesterday, and a heavy snow warning was given. Today, it is fine, so the ice sculptures shine in a blue sky. The master remembers that January 26, yesterday, was the cultural assets fire prevention day (1955 establishment) while taking photographs. He hopes that Matumoto Castle will be protected forever.

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霧氷1 hoarfrost1

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霧氷2 hoarfrost 2

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霧氷3 hoarfrost 3

Brightness during the cold season –hoarfrost-
Watching a weather chart at the dinner, my master said that it would be a wintry pressure pattern tomorrow, so he would see the hoarfrost at the Misayama Pass (when he goes for work, he goes along this pass). His wife said that the hoarfrost was seen once or twice a year. So she doubted that the tomorrow was that day or not.
My master pushed the shutter at the Misayama pass. He would send photographs of these sceneries to his daughter. Today is the day of the birthday of their daughter who is living in a country of the everlasting summer now.

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小梅の花  Flowers of the “koume”

Flowering of the “koume (a kind of Japanese plum plant)” 
 My master pruned the plum before the New Year holidays. It is said in Japan that "a fool who does cut a cherry tree, a fool who does not cut a plum tree". So, he cut off many branches. His wife put several branches in a vase. The day after tomorrow is the coming-of-age ceremony. The plum would flower to celebrate it.

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 今年一番の寒波が来るという。マイナス15度以下になると北アルプスの山々のモルゲンロートは一層赤みを増す。猫ジローの主人達は朝5時には車を走らせていた。朝焼けが始まる7時前に乗鞍岳の麓に三脚を立てた。外気温はマイナス11度。乗鞍は優しいモルゲンロートに染まった。にわかに雲が湧き山頂を隠した。主人達は天気がよければ滝まで散策する予定であったが早々帰路についた。午後は“ボヘミアン ラプソディ”を見に行った。映画館で買ってきたサウンドトラック(CD)を繰り返し聞いて余韻に浸っている。

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乗鞍1 朝焼け前  Before morning glow


乗鞍2 モルゲンロート  Morgenrot  Alpenglow

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乗鞍3 雲湧く  Cloud appeared

Cold wave
It was said that the first cold wave of this year would come tomorrow. “Morghenrot (Alpenglow) ” of the mountains of the Northern Alps turns red more if it becomes less than -15 degrees. My masters ran their car at 5:00a.m. They set tripods in the foot of Mt.Norikuradake before 7:00 when the morning glow began. The outside temperature was -11 degrees. Mt.Norikuradake was stained with pale “Morghenrot (Alpenglow) ”. Clouds appeared suddenly and covered the mountaintops.
They went to the movie theater and watched “Bohemian Rhapsody”. They heard a sound track (CD) that they had bought in the movie theater repeatedly and were still basking in the afterglow of “Bohemian Rhapsody”.

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いがやレクリエーション広場からの乗鞍岳 Mt.Norikuradake from the Igawa-recreation plaza

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足跡 Footprints of some animal

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善五郎の滝1 Waterfall of the Zengoro 1

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善五郎の滝2  Waterfall of the Zengoro 2

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善五郎の滝3  Waterfall of the Zengoro 3

The first business day of the year
January 4 is the day of the work beginning of both many public government offices and many private enterprises in Japan. My master was invited to all clear winter fine weather and he went to Norikura-Kogen. Today is the first hiking day of this year for him.

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謹賀新年 2019

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我が家から拝む初日の出 The first sunrise of a new year from our home

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長蛇の参拝客 so many worshippers

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松本城-つがいの白鳥- Matsumotojo Castle and Swans

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3メートルはある門松 The New Year's pine and bamboo decorations ( 3 meters )

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門の正月飾り New Year decoration of the Matsumotojo-Castle ‘s gate

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影武者と一緒に With "Kagemusha" (The Shadow Warrior)

Happy New Year
 The first day of the New Year, the last year of Heisei period, is fine. My
master’s wife photographed with a mobile phone from home 2F to show the state of the Japanese view of the sunrise on the first day of the year to grandchildren resident in Mexico. She said to my master that you would introduce Japanese cultures on the first day of the New Year. So he uploaded the state of the New Year's visit to the Shinto shrine. He also uploaded states of Matsumoto-jo Castle.
My masters pray for this year being peaceful age.

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