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早朝のマチャプチャレ  Mt. Machhapuchhre at an earliest hour

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ジョムソンの悪天候を知らせる  Information of bad weather of Jomsom

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荷を返される Returning of our luggage

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ジープ車窓からのマチャプチャレ Mt. Machhapuchhre from the car window of our jeep

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ジョムソンへの街道 Highway to Jomsom

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最初に遭遇した道路工事 Road construction that they met with first

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何十台もの車が立ち往生   Dozens of cars stalled

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バスから降りて歩く人々 1 Got off the buses, and walked 1

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バスから降りて歩く人々 2 Got off the buses, and walked 2

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村の雑貨屋 General store in the village

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遅い昼食-食事中突然の雨-  Having lunch late -they had a heavy rain -

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さらなる道路工事 Road construction again

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日本の重機が活躍 Japanese heavy industrial machines

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飛行機では見られなかった山々1 The mountains which were not be able to seen by airplane 1

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飛行機では見られなかった山々2 The mountains which were not be able to seen by airplane 2

Nepal Hiking 3
My masters were going to move in a propeller plane today from Pokhara to Jomsom (the airplane flies only in the early morning when a current of air is stable). At 5:30 am, they watched Mt. Machhapuchhre, but the direction of Mt. Dhaulagiri in a cloud. The TA-199 plane, which they reserved, was standing by for about two hours. Finally the airplane did not fly. So, they should move long distance more than 160 kilometers by a jeep. The mountain path was closed to traffic for constructions in several places. So, they should wait for several hours. They did not think to drive a bad road by jeep.
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 朝8時半に成田で出国手続きし、香港経由でカトマンズに飛んだ。ホテルに着いたのは23時を回っていた。15時間の長旅で流石に疲れたようだ。主人はフィルムカメラで撮影していることからセキュリティーチェックの際にフィルムをX-線装置に通さずに持ち込むために苦労する。“Hand Inspection, Please. Thank you!” これでダメな場合国際条約規定に従って検査することを要求する。今回はホテルに着くまでに4回の検査がありその都度大変な思いをしたようだ。


ホテルに安置された神様に旅の安全を祈願 praying God laid in state at the hotel for the security of the trip


視界は数十メートル the view was dozens of meters


ヒマラヤは雲の中 the Himalayas in a cloud


フェワ湖は霞の中に the Phewa lake


チキンの照り焼き teriyaki of the chicken


足場は竹 the scaffold are bamboo


お祭り(フェワ湖のほとりにて) Traditional festival (at the area around the Phewa lake)


主催者から我々も参加するように言われ踊りの輪に入った(TVで放映されると言われた) We participated,too.


日本山妙法寺に手を合わせる His wife put hands together.

Nepal Hiking 2
My masters flew to Katmandu via Hong Kong from Narita at half past 8 a.m. and arrived at the hotel in the midnight. They seemed to be tired by a more than 15 hours long trip. My master uses a film camera, so he has a hard time to bring films without passing the X-ray device in the case of a security check. There was four times of inspection before he arrived at the hotel this time. The first day in Katmandu was cloudy. When my masters enjoyed breakfast at about 7:00, the persons who went for Mount Everest sightseeing flight on an optional tour came back and they missed such a flight by bad weather. At the Katmandu Airport, they waited a long hours, and then they were able to fly to Pokhara. They had lunch at the restaurant near the “Phewa Tal (Phewa lake)”, and then took a walk around the lake. His wife put hands together towards The World Peace Pagoda with praying to be blessed with good weather. Mt. Machhapuchhre and Mt. Annapurna did not turn up all day.
追記—ご冥福を祈るー  ブログを書いていると知人から主人に連絡があった。ヒマラヤで滑落死があったがお前は大丈夫だったかと。3/20主人がカトマンズに着いた日にマチャプチャレ(6993m)のトレッキングコース(4500m)で日本人男性が700m滑落したという。
Postscript -In deepest sympathy- When my master was writing this blog, he had a message from his friend. “There was slipping down death in the Himalayas. Were you all right?” his friend asked. A Japanese man slipped down for 700m in a trekking course (4,500m) of Mt. Machhapuchhre (6,993m) on the day when the 3/20 master arrived at Katmandu.

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オオイヌフグリ Veronica persica


ムスカリ Muscari


チオドノクサ Chionodoxa


わさびの花 flowers of Japanese horseradish


福寿草  Adonis ramosa

Nepal Hiking 1
My masters went to Nepal to watch the Annapurna mass of mountains and Mt. Dhaulagiri. The flowers that they found during hiking were pretty in small size. My master went back to Japan after an interval of ten days and took a walk through the garden of his house. He found some small flowers in the garden and remembered Himalayan scenery. He seemed to think about how he should write his blog of this trip.
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モルゲンロート -鹿島槍ヶ岳-五竜岳-



鹿島槍ヶ岳-五竜岳 6:30am Mt.Kashimayarigatake and Mt.Goryu 6:30am


五竜岳 6:31am Mt.Goryu 6:31am


鹿島槍ヶ岳 6:36am Mt.Kashimayarigatake 6:36am


鹿島槍ヶ岳-五竜岳 6:41am Mt.Kashimayarigatake and Mt.Goryu 6:41am

The morning glow - Mt.Kashimayarigatake and Mt.Goryu-

The master thought “Mt.Kashimayarigatake and Mt.Goryu would turn red by the morning glow on the tomorrow morning while watching a weather forecast”. He prepared for the photography. He attached crampons at 5:00 and began to climb gracefully. He enjoyed the morning glow of the spring. The color of the morning glow changed every moment, so he pushed the shutter of the camera busily.

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クッロカス1 Crocus 1


クロッカス2 Crocus 2

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フキノトウ Butterbur scape (Petasites japonicas)

Skunkou (spring sunlight)
" Skunkou " is a word to express spring gentle sunlight, also it is said that the things of the spring landscape are included in this word. It was cold rain and cloudy sky for these past several days. Today, my master had gentle warm spring sunlight and found a lot of crocuses and butterbur scape (Petasites japonicas).

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