

 <信仰 カトマンズ>

クマリ(Kumari、Kumari Devi)は、ネパールに住む生き女神である。主人が10数年前にカトマンズのクマリの館を訪れた時はクマリが生活していると言われる部屋の繊細な彫刻を施された重厚な扉は閉じられていた。ガイドは年に数回扉は開かれ顔を出されると説明してくれた。2年前に訪れた時は幸運にもその扉が開かれ拝謁することが出来た。その際は決して写真を撮ってはいけないと言われた。今回館でクマリから直接ティカ(ヒンドゥー教徒が額につける赤い斑点、守護や祝福の意味をもつ)を施してもらえた。さらに館内での写真の撮影も許可された。


クマリからティカを施される Tikka make up


館に飾られていたクマリの肖像 Kumari’s portrait displayed in the hall


クマリの世話をする家族 Mother and sister of Kumari


クマリの使っている教材 The textbook which Kumari uses

Nepal Hiking
(Faith Katmandu)
Thinking about a live goddess

Kumari (Kumari Devi) is a live goddess, living in Nepal. When my master visited the Kumari’s house in Katmandu more than ten-odd years, the solid wood door decollated with the delicate sculptures was closed. When he visited there again two years ago, fortunately the door was opened and he was able to worship her. At that time, our guide said, “you must never take a photograph”. However, in this time my master had a tikka make up from the live goddess directly. And also, it was allowed for him to take a photograph.

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 <信仰 カグベニ1>

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街道に面した家々(写真右はゾンへの入り口) Houses facing the highway (in the photograph right the entrance to the fortress)

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ゾンへの入り口(正面)Entrance (the front) to the fortress

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ゾンの中の家々 Houses in the fortress

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ゾンの中心部に飾られたタルチョ Tibet-prayer flag

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数百年の歴史ある家 House with the history of several hundred years

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人懐こい子供 Friendly child

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男像 Image of the man

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女像 Image of the woman

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新しいゴンバと古いゴンバ(右端) New and old temple

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新しいゴンバの壁画1 Fresco of the new temple 1

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新しいゴンバの壁画2 Fresco of the new temple 2

Nepal Hiking
(Faith Kagbeni)
Kagbeni village (2,807m) is said to be Nepalese Shangri-la. This village is the entrance of the former Mustang kingdom. That kingdom was permitted as an independent self-government in Nepal until 2008. There are temples and fortress in the center of the village.
Foreigners visiting the Mustang areas were not permitted until 1991, so it is said that this village is called "Tibet outside Tibet”, not affected of China.
My masters passed through the small gate made of stones to fortress, which was made several hundred years ago. There were the image of the man and woman who prayed for descendant prosperity.
A new temple is built next to an old one.

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 <信仰 マルファ2>

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記念館の入り口 Entrance of the memorial

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居住部屋1 Residence room 1

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居住部屋 2 Residence room 2

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居住部屋 3 Residence room 3

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仏堂と経典1 Buddhist temple and sutras 1

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仏堂と経典2 Buddhist temple and sutras 2

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仏像 Buddhist statues


ドラ gong

Nepal Hiking
(Faith Marpha 2)
 Marpha is the village where Priest Ekai Kawaguchi spent about 3 months and then he entered Tibet illegally in 1901, because Tibet was in national seclusion state at that time. He was the first Japanese who visited Tibet. He brought Buddhist Scriptures of the Tibetan Buddhism to Japan. The house which priest Ekai Kawaguchi spent is shown now as a memorial place, facing the Jomson highway. It is said that only a few Japanese visit this place. This memorial is maintained for respect to priest Ekai Kawaguchi and preservation of the Buddhist Scriptures of the Tibetan Buddhism.

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 <信仰 マルファ1>
マルファ村Marphaは、 古くはネパールとチベットとの交易の経由地点としても栄えた。石畳道の両側には、石造りで白壁の家々が並び、ジョムソン街道で最も美しい村と言われている.以前は観光客、トレッカーで賑わったという.郊外に自動車路が出来てからはその喧騒さはなくなったという.

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マルファへの入り口 Entrance to the village

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マルファの町並み the street of Marpha

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サムリン・グンバ寺院1 Temple 1

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サムリン・グンバ寺院2 Temple 2

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サムリン・グンバ寺院3 Temple 3

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御本尊様の阿弥陀如来の前で修行する若き僧侶 Young priests


岩の上の白い三角はマルファの神様 The white triangle on the rock is God of Marpha village

Nepal Hiking
(Faith Marpha 1)
Marpha village prospered as the way station between Nepal and Tibet. The houses are made of stones, and their walls are painted white. Marpha is said to be the most beautiful village in Jomson highway. Marpha was full of tourists, trekkers before. Now, the village became quiet after an automatic roadway is prepared into the suburbs.

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 <信仰 ムクティナート2>


寺院の入り口   Entrance of the temple


サドゥー  Sadhus


ムクティナラン  Mukutinaran -the Hinduism temple-


108の蛇口からの聖水総てを浴びる(3800mの雪解け水は冷たい)Water wall


ジョラムキゴンパ (神秘の聖火) Joramukigonpa (the mysterious fire)


ジョラムキゴンパ (パラボラでお湯を沸かす) Joramukigonpa (boil hot water with a parabola)

Nepal Hiking
(Faith Muktinath 2)
Many half-naked Hinduism monks, Sadhus, sat from the entrance of Muktinath to the temple. My master donated property and took a photograph. In the circumference of Mukutinaran -the Hinduism temple-, there was a wall, which has 108 faucets. The water flows out constantly from each faucet. People believe that the water is holy and washes away crime impurity of this world.
The pale flame of the Joramukigonpa (Tibet Buddhist temple) blazes without cease since the temple has been made. As for the flame, natural gas caught fire. It would be mysterious for people, living several hundred years ago.

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Nepal Hiking
(Faith Muktinath 1)
My masters went to the Muktinath (3,798m). On their way they visited some old villages; Tukuche (2586m), Jomsom (2743m) and Kagbeni (2807m). My master seemed to feel depth of the faith of people. Muktinath is a common sacred place of both Hinduism and the Buddhism, and many pilgrims come every year from not only Nepal but also India. The pilgrim can go by car to Ranipauwa (3,710m), but they must walk, or are carried by persons from there to the temple, or visits there horseback.
My masters climbed slowly in the weather, which it seemed to begin to snow at any moment. During climbing, they thought that Mt.Dhaulagiri and the highest peak Thorong pass (5,416m) of the Annapurna circuit, if it was fine.

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 <信仰 ムクティナート1>

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眼下はカグベニの町 Looking at Kagbeni in the valley (as for the arrow hallowed ground)

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ラーニパウワのお土産屋(近くで採掘されるアンモナイトの化石、ヤクの毛織物等々が並ぶ)Souvenir shop of Ranipauwa (the fossil of an ammonite mined near, the woolen stuff of the yak et al.)

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ラーニパウワの宿場町 Stages of Ranipauwa

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背負われて巡礼 A pilgrim who was carried on her back by a porter

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担架で担がれて巡礼(インドからの巡礼者という) A pilgrim who was carried using a stretcher (pilgrim from India)

Nepal Hiking

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お城と桜 The castle and cherry blossoms

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小彼岸桜 1 Rosebud cherry in the castle 1

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小彼岸桜 2 Rosebud cherry in the castle 2

Cherry blossom of Matsumoto-jo Castle
 It becomes warm recently and there is a report that the cherry trees of the Matsumoto-jo Castle have begun to bloom. My master has gone to see the cherry blossoms with his wife in this morning. There were many tourists from Asia until several years ago, but many European and American tourists visit in recently. So, my masters hear English, German, and Spanish.

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ホテル前のネパール桜  Nepalese cherry tree in front of the hotel

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カリガンダキ河原を疾走 Run in the Kali Gandaki river

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花 flowers

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ショコン湖の案内板 Sign of the Sekong lake

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逆さニルギリ連峰  Inverse the Nilgiri mountain range

Nepal Hiking 6
   The Nepalese cherry-blossoms in front of the Lodge Thasang Village are nearly half out. The Nepalese-cherry tree blooms in the low land in autumn, but it blooms in spring in the Thasang Village (about 3000m) as same as Japan, and the flower appears earlier than a leaf. My masters ran in the Kali Gandaki river by jeep to the starting point of a mountain climb to the Sekong Lake, and climbed up to the Sekong lake (2,725m) through the grazing land of the yak. Many pretty flowers were in full glory in the grazing land. The Nilgiri mountain range was reflected in the surface of a lake of the Sekong lake.
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カリガンダキ河原からのダウラギリ連峰1 The Dhaulagiri mountain range from the Kali Gandaki Nadi 1

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カリガンダキ河原からのダウラギリ連峰2 The Dhaulagiri mountain range from the Kali Gandaki Nadi 2

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ティティ村からダウラギリ連峰 The Dhaulagiri mountain range from the TiTi Village


ティティ湖に映るダウラギリ連峰The Dhaulagiri mountain range which was reflected in the TiTi lake.

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ダウラギリに似せて Imitating Mt. Dhaulagiri

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丘から見るダウラギリ連峰 The Dhaulagiri mountain range from the hilltop

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ニルギリ連峰 The Nilgiri mountain range from the hilltop

Nepal Hiking 5
   My masters went by jeep from the Lodge Thasang Village to the Kali Gandaki Nadi river. The slope of road was very steep, so they felt the jeep slid down. The Kali Gandaki Nadi river, meaning of a black river, begins in the glacier and carries black sand. They ran this riverbank and climbed up to the TiTi Village (2,800m) by jeep. Then they hiked to the TiTi lake. They walked around the TiTi lake. And then they climbed the grass zone approximately 200 meters and stood up the hilltop. They were able to see both the Dhaulagiri mountain range and the Nilgiri mountain range from the hilltop.
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