

北海道大雪山の紅葉 (III)  黒岳と銀泉台

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黒岳のお花畑で見つけたエゾオヤマリンドウ(白色はアルビノ) Gentiana triflora var. japonica subvar. Montana, found in a flower garden of Mt. Kurodake (white; albino)

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黒岳のお花畑で見つけたホタルブクロ(白色はアルビノ)Campanula punctata Lam.  , found in a flower garden of Mt. Kurodake (white; albino)

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黒岳のお花畑で見つけたチングルマの紅葉 Colored leaves of Geum pentapetalum

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チングルマの紅葉の上を黒岳7合目までリフトで登る Watching the colored leaves of Geum pentapetalum covered with snow under the lift

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銀泉台の紅葉1 Colored leaves of the Ginnsenndai 1

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銀泉台の紅葉2 Colored leaves of the Ginnsenndai 2

Colored leaves of the Daisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido (III) Mt. Kurodake and Ginnsenndai

It was cloudy sky from morning. It took about two minutes by car from the hotel to the Kurodake ropeway platform. They got rice ball lunches at the front desk of the hotel at 5:30 a.m. and went to the parking lot. At 6:00 a.m., many mountaineers on the first ropeway already stood in line. It was rain at the fifth station. When they looked at the Ginnsenndai area from that station, a black cloud covered there. They judged that it would be rainy if they went in the Ginnsenndai area, so they stayed in the mountaintop station for approximately two hours. Rain stopped. They confirmed that the Ginnsenndai area became bright, so descended the mountain and got on the shuttle bus to Ginnsenndai.

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