

パタゴニアを撮る 7 出会った動物
 パタゴニアは動物の宝庫であると言われ,中には絶滅危惧種もいると言う. 主人はほとんど動物の写真は撮らないが今回ツアーの参加者の中に野生動物の写真を撮るために世界中を駆け巡っているアマチュア写真家の方のシャッター音に触発された様だ.

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ハイイロギツネ Zorro gais (Lycalopex griseus)

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グアナコ  Guanaco (Lama guanicoe)

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グアナコの白骨(ガイドはピューマに襲われ,その後コンドルに食べられたと説明した) Bone of the guanaco (The guide said that a guanaco was attacked by a puma and then it was eaten by a condor.)

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ウエムル鹿(絶滅危惧種. 現地ガイドは20年間ガイドをしていて2度目の遭遇と言った.  ウエムル鹿は臆病な性格から人気のある所にはなかなか姿を現さないので、フィッツロイの山麓を歩く人のほとんどが目にすることはない。パタゴニアの人々にとって“森の妖精”のような存在という). Huemul (Hippocamelus bisulcus). The local guide said, “The people of Patagonia calls this deer "The fairy of the forest" and I am working as guide for 20 years and this is the second time to watch the huemul.”

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アルマジロ Armadillo (Zaedyus pichiy)

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ダーウィンレア(アルゼンチンではチョイケと呼ばれる. 絶滅の危機にある).

Darwin's rhea (Rhea pennata. An endangered species)

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カオグロトキ   Black-faced lbis (Bandurria austral)

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チリーフラミンゴ   Chilean flamingo (Flamenco austral)

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クロエリハクチョウ  Black-necked swan (Cisine Cuello negro)

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マゼランガン    Upland goose (Cauquen comun)

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カンムリカラカラ    Southern crested-caracara (Carancho)

Patagonia trip 7   It is said that there are various kinds of animals in Patagonia. In these animals, some animals are appointed to endangered species. In his tour group, there was an amateur photographer who ran through the world to take the photos of the wild animal. This photographer took photos of animals eagerly. Usually my master does not take the photos of animals, however, he was stimulated by the shutter sound and took photos of the animal eagerly.
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