

パタゴニアを撮る 9 カラファテと新型コロナ肺炎
主人がブログを書いている間も新型コロナ肺炎は日本国内も世界でも広がりを見せている。3月11日WHOは「パンデミック」と宣言した。WHOは3月12日の時点で感染は114の国と地域に広がり、感染者は11万8381人、死者は4292人と発表した。日本人は35の国と地域から入国制限(禁止),76の国と地域から入国後の行動制限措置をかけられている(3月13日). アルゼンチンとチリも入国後の行動制限措置がかけられている。とても短期の旅行では行くことは出来ない。

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COVID-19の広がり Expanse of COVID-19

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カラファテパイのパッケージ   Package of the calafate-pie

Patagonia trip 9   <El Calafate & COVID-19>

While my master is writing his blog, the infected person and the dead people due to COVID-19 increase all over the world. WHO declared that COVID-19 was in a pandemic condition on March 11. WHO reported that the infection spread through 114 countries and areas and 118,381 were infected and 4,292 people were dead on March 12. The Japanese is receiving immigration restrictions from 35 countries and areas and movement restrictions from 76 countries and areas on March 13. So, it is impossible to go to Argentina and Chile like this trip in the short-term schedule.
The people of Patagonia believe “The El Calafate myths”: People who eat the fruit of calafate return to here (Patagonia) by all means. Looking at the box of the cookie pie of calafate and remembering the taste of the fruit of calafate, my master wishes COVID-19 is stamped out early. He also wishes for being able to go once again in Patagonia.

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パタゴニアを撮る 8 丸善に行く

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パタゴニアの地形① パイネ山群の成り立ち パイネ山群の成り立ちはグレイ湖のにあったパネルによると次のようであった.   1. かつてここは,火成岩(黒色)と堆積岩(緑色)で覆われていた.   2. 約1,300万年前に堆積岩の間にマグマ(赤色)が貫入した.   3. 貫入したマグマはゆっくり冷えて花崗岩になった。そのとき周囲の堆積岩を熱して浸蝕に弱い変成岩に変えた。その後幾度かの氷河期に氷河で変成岩が浸蝕されて、現在の形になった。 My master saw an explanation board and knew the formation process of the Paine Mountains. 1. The Paine area was covered with igneous rocks (black color) and sedimentary rocks (green color). 2. Magma (red color) penetrated between sedimentary rocks about 13 million years ago. 3. The magma got cold slowly and became the granite. During this process, the sedimentary rocks became the metamorphic rocks. The glacier eroded the metamorphic rocks.

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モンブランの氷河  Glacier of the Mont Blanc

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パタゴニアの氷河   Glacial topography of Patagon

パタゴニアの地形② 氷河地形 glacial topography 日本アルプス,ヨーロッパアルプス,ヒマラヤで見る氷河地形はU字谷(U-shaped valley)であるがパタゴニアでは平原のように広がっている. Geographical features of Patagonia ② < Glacial topography> The glacier topography is a U-shaped valley in the Japan Alps, the Europe Alps and the Himalayas. In Patagonia, it seems like a plain field.

Patagonia trip 8   <Maruzen Bookstore>

My masters were tired from this trip. So they needed about 2 weeks before they came to be able to do normal work after returning home. They boarded jets for one-way about 40 hours. Their movement distance by car in Patagonia was about 1, 790km. They passed eight times of security check and he asked a quarantine officer to perform the “hand inspection” for camera-films each time. He asked eight times, but once was declined.
The sunrise of Patagonia was around 5:30 a.m., and the sunset was around 22:00 p.m. The sleeping hours at night were about three hours for taking photos of morning glow and the sunset day after day. They moved by car from place to place for taking photos, so they were not able to take a rest in the daytime.
He went to Patagonia and knew that the topography of both Japan Alps and the European Alpine were different with the topography of Patagonia. He wanted to study "earth science”, so he went to the Maruzen Bookstore and purchased two books used for the university entrance examination.

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