

緊急事態宣言解除 ステイ家からステイ信州8 




ヤゴから羽化したばかりのオニヤンマ A golden-ringed dragonfly which just emerged



ヤブカンゾウの群生 Gregariousness of the Orange Daylily

Lifted the state of emergency. The stay-Shinsu stage VIII.

Golden-ringed dragonfly and Orange Daylily

It drizzled in the morning, though rain stopped at around 9:00. So, my masters began to work in their garden. My master found a golden-ringed dragonfly, which just emerged at their waterway. They see two or three dragonflies that emerge at there every year.
In the afternoon, they went for a walk and found gregariousness of the Orange Daylily.

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緊急事態宣言解除 ステイ家からステイ信州7 



アジサイとヤマユリ遠くに修験僧のブロンズ像を見る Hydrangea and gold-banded lily with a figure in bronze of the Buddhist priest

Lifted the state of emergency. The stay-Shinsu stage VII.

Hydrangea and gold-banded lily in the Joukou-ji temple
The rainy season of this year is longer than an average year. A lot of rivers of many places in Japan overflowed and caused big disasters. My masters went to the temple, which is famous for Rhododendron in a gentle rain two days ago. There were approximately ten parking lots, but they found no car.
A lot of hydrangeas guided them from the approach to the main gate of the temple. His wife found a gold-banded lily in the crowd of the hydrangea and said,“ There is a gold-banded lily. Lucky and Happy! "

追記)世界の新型コロナウイルスの感染者数(7/18):累計感染者数は1430万人, 死者は60万人を超えた(CSSEによる)。

The number of the infected people of the world new coronavirus (7/18). The number of the total infected people is14.3 million people, the dead person more than 600,000 people (by CSSE).

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緊急事態宣言解除 ステイ家からステイ信州6 
乗鞍ハイキング - ミツガシワと巨大ミズバショウ

 乗鞍高原のミツガシワが見頃であろうとハイキングに出かけた。一ノ瀬牧場のどじょう池と休暇村の牛留池のミツガシワが最盛期であった。善五郎の滝までのハイキングコースは人気がなくただ奥さんの熊よけの鈴がこだました。ミズバショウは発芽直後の葉間中央から純白の仏炎苞を開きこの中央にある円柱状の部分が小さな花が多数集まった花序がある。葉は花の後に根出状に出て立ち上がり、長さ80 cm、幅30 cmに達する。休暇村から牛留池への散策路では既に葉は大きく成長していたが、根元に仏炎苞と花序を見つけた主人は驚きをあらわにした。よく見るとあちこちに真新しい仏炎苞と花序があった。新たな発見にシャッターを押した。

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どじょう池のミツガシワ Mitsugashiwa of Dojouike Pond


牛留池のミツガシワ Mitsugashiwa of Ushidomeike Pond


善五郎の滝までのハイキングコース Hiking course to Zenngoro waterfall


善五郎の滝 Zenngoro waterfall


牛留池への散策路 風雪に負けじと成長した木  The tree which endured heaviness of the snow, and grew up.


ミズバショウの葉とムラサキヤシオツツジ  Huge leaf of the skunk cabbage and Rhododendron albrechtii


ミズバショウの葉の根元に仏炎苞と花序をみる1  A huge leaf and flower of the skunk cabbage 1


ミズバショウの葉の根元に仏炎苞と花序をみる2  A huge leaf and flower of the skunk cabbage 2

Lifted the state of emergency. The stay-Shinsu stage VI.

Hiking in Norikura Kogen – Mitsugashiwa and Asian skunk cabbage

June 7
My masters went out for hiking so that Mitsugashiwa (Menyanthes trifoliata) of Norikura Kogen was in full bloom. Mitsugashiwas of both Dojouike Pond and Ushidomeike Pond were in full bloom and were beautiful. They found the skunk cabbage that leaves greatly grew up in a walk road to Ushidomeike Pond.

追記)本日(7/5) 7回の地震があり2回揺れを感じた。
There were seven times of earthquakes today(July 5) and my master felt shaking twice.

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緊急事態宣言解除 ステイ家からステイ信州5—八島湿原 

猛暑日 6/5


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九輪草の絨毯1 Carpet of the Japanese primrose 1

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九輪草の絨毯2 Carpet of the Japanese primrose 2

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八島湿原ズミの木 Malus sieboldii

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八島湿原コバイケイソウとアカギキンポウゲ  Veratrum stamineum Maxim. And Ranunculus

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車の外気温35度 35 degrees outside


八島ビジターセンターで購入した花情報 Flower information, purchased in the Yashima visitor center

Lifted the state of emergency. The stay-Shinsu stage V.  Yashima Marsh

Extremely hot day, June 5
According to the weather forecast, “it will be hot day today.” My masters said, “it is abnormal that temperature is more than 30 degrees in Shinshu at early June”. They decided to go to the high land for cool air. They did not feel like going to the Kamikochi area where earthquakes occurred frequently. So, they drove to the Kirigamine Heights via the Utsukushigahara Venus line. Driving in the fresh green, his wife found many red things. They stopped their car to check what the red things were. The red thing was the Japanese primrose. They hiked on the heart-shaped Yashima Marsh and came back to the house. The bulletin board in the city announced the temperature was 34 degrees. The temperature meter of their car told an extremely hot day of 35 degrees outside.

追記—上高地の地震の爪痕 Article of the earthquake of Kamikochi


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緊急事態宣言解除 ステイ家からステイ信州4 


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新滝に向かう修験者 A mountaineering ascetic who walks towards the Shinntaki( waterfall)

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清滝全貌 The Kiyotaki

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清滝のお社 一つのお社に男の神様と女の神様が祭られている. The Shrine of Kiyotaki (God of both the man and the woman are are worshiped together.)

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清滝不動尊と清滝弁財天 Acala (Wisdom King) and Benzaiten (Sarasvati)

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補強された鳥居(2,3年前の豪雨によるのか。向かって左手の崖は大崩落している) The torii which is reinforced.

Lifted the state of emergency. The stay-Shinsu stage IV.

Every year at this time my masters go to Kamikochi one or two times and enjoy hiking; seeing the fresh green that is reflected in Taisho-ike Pond, Mt. Hotaka mountain range that has the remaining snow and many windflowers. Earthquakes occur frequently this year in Kamikochi area. Therefore they do not feel like going to there. They drive to Kiso area to sightsee waterfalls in Mt. Ontake. They see a few people.
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