

緊急事態宣言解除 ステイ家からステイ信州10



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ナツアカネ Summer Darter (Sympetrum darwinianum)

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マルマバダケブキとアサギマダラ Marubadakebuki (Ligularia dentate) and Chestnut Tiger (Parantica sita)

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クロアゲハ Spangle (Papilio protenor)

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キアゲハ Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)

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マツムシソウとクジャクチョウ Matumushisou (Scabiosa japonica) and Peacock (Inachis io)

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マルマバダケブキとクジャクチョウ Marubadakebuki (Ligularia dentate) and Peacock (Inachis io)

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ヒョウモンチョウ The Marbled Fritillary (Brenthis daphne)


ヒョウモンエダシャク Arichanna gaschkevitchii gaschkevitchii 優雅に舞いシシウドに留まったので蝶と思ったが調べたところ日本での分類上は蛾であった。

Lifted the state of emergency. The stay-Shinsu stage X.
Utukushigahara-highland -In pursuit of the cool air-
The climate in Japan has become almost subtropical in recent years. Japan had a very heavy rainy season this year. After the rainy season, the extremely hot days continue for a long time. My masters climbed up to Utukushigahara-highland (2000m) in pursuit of the cool air. Under the direct rays of the sun, the temperature was more than 30 degrees. They enjoyed flowers, butterflies and dragonflies.

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