

紅葉の季節 2020 2.城山—アルプス公園10月1日

1クモ の巣.jpg

クモの巣の輝き Brightness of the cobweb

2彼岸花と桜の紅葉 .jpg

彼岸花 Lycoris radiata

3桜の紅葉 .jpg

桜の紅葉 Colored leaves of the cherry tree


秋の花々 Flowers of the autumn

5ススキ の輝き.jpg

ススキの輝き Brightness of the Japanese pampas grass

Autumn Tints 2020  2. Jo-yama- Alps-koen Park (Oct.1)
Nekojiro’s masters walked happily while finding signs of autumn.

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紅葉の季節 2020 1.美ヶ原-小さな秋 9月27日



マツムシソウ のコピー.jpg

マツムシソウ Scabiosa japonica

ハクサンフウロ のコピー.jpg

ハクサンフウロ Geranium yesoemse var. nipponicum

アキノキリンソウ のコピー.jpg

アキノキリンソウ Solidago virgaurea var. asiatica

ナギナタコウジュ? のコピー.jpg

ナギナタコウジュと思われる Elsholtzia ciliate?

武石峰 のコピー.jpg

武石峰山頂 At the Takeishi peak mountaintop

Autumn Tints 2020  1. Small flowers of Utsukushigahara Kogen (Sep.27)
In here Shinshu Matsumoto, a season advanced quickly in October. The highest temperature fell about 13 degrees from 24.8 degrees of October 1 to 11.6 degrees of October 19. Besides, it was only three days that it was fine in the morning during these 20 days. So my Nekojiro’s masters thought that unfortunately it would be not possible to expect bright colored leaves this year. According to the colored leaves information of the mountain, it is said that the leaf of the rowan becomes brown, and it sheds the leaves before autumn tints.

In the Takeishi peak mountaintop, wind is so strong. Therefore, the size of the flower is small.

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