

雨水の頃 4


春の砂塵    The spring dust

In the days of " The Usui(rainwater)" IV
 The spring dust storm is one of Japanese spring features in The Kanto and Koshinetsu district. In the Matsumoto Basin, the wind that blows from Mt. Hachimori rolls up the surface soil of the cultivated field in this season.

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雨水の頃 3


乗鞍岳と善五郎滝 Mt. Norikuradake and the Zengoro-water fall


アイスクライマー ice climbers.

In the days of " The Usui(rainwater)" III
They went to Norikurakogen and walked to an observation deck from which they saw the Zengoro-water fall and two or three ice climbers.

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雨水の頃 2

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鹿島槍ヶ岳遠望    Mt. Kashimayarigatake


白馬三山遠望 Hakuba mountain ranges


鹿島槍ヶ岳、五竜岳、唐松岳遠望 Mt. Kashimayarigatake, Mt. Goryudake, Mt. Karamatudake


ふきのとう    Japanese butterbur scape

In the days of " The Usui(rainwater)" II
Unfortunately he did not have a chance to photo the “Morgenrot” this year. The reason is that there was no fine day when temperature of the early in the morning was less than minus 10 degrees. The weather forecast said, “It will become -5 degrees tomorrow morning”. So, my masters thought that it would be the last chance to photo the “Morgenrot” this year. They got up at 4:00 a.m. and took a drive to the northern part of Shinshu. After coming home, he found a Japanese butterbur scape in his garden.

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雨水の頃 1

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影模様   Shadow design


タヌキの兄弟 Brothers of the raccoon dog


鹿のくつろぎ Relaxation of the deer


ネコヤナギの芽吹き Bud of the Pussy Willow


北アルプス遠望 The Northern Alps

In the days of " The Usui(rainwater)" I
"The Usui(rainwater)" is the second twenty-four seasons in the lunar calendar (Nijushisekki). "The Usui" in this year began from February 18. Although it's the time of year when snow starts to melt and changes to rain, and the first buds appear, it is warm this year at the same level as the middle of April. My master took a walk with his wife and grandchildren through the park from which they were able to see the Northern Alps on the day when it was fine warmly. He thought that the shadows of trees were becoming short. The animals of the park were relaxing in the spring sunlight. He found buds of the Pussy Willow.

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(2月6日 晴れ 気温13.4℃)

 室内では菜の花が雛壇に整列して迎えてくれた。 “野菜(菜っ葉)の花” という意味から「菜の花」と呼ばれるようになったと言われる。広々とした公園の片隅に福寿草とマンサクを見つけた。マンサクは春に他の花に先駆けて咲くことから”まず咲く花”ということで次第に“まんさく”と言われるようになったと言う。

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雛壇の菜の花 Brassica napus

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マンサク1(黄色)   Hamamelis japonica 1

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マンサク2 (濃赤色) Hamamelis japonica 2

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福寿草 Adonis ramosa

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常念岳 Mt.Jounenn-dake

The warm weather like March
(February 6, fine. Temperature: 13.4 degrees Celsius)
 Last night, wind was so strong. My masters thought it would be unsettled weather tomorrow, but it becomes fine today. The Northern Alps to see from their home is clear. So they took a drive to the National Alps Azumino Park, which is famous in a rape-flower field. They found the flowers of the “Adonis ramosa ” and the “Hamamelis japonica”.
The Northern Alps of this time is still the cold winter period, but today's Mt.Jonen-dake was seen as a form that can be seen in spring.

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 昨日2月2日は節分.今日は立春. 立春が2月3日になるのは1897年以来124年ぶりという.二十四節気が成立した中国内陸部は大陸性気候のためこの時期から気温が上がり始めると言う. 海に囲まれた日本列島では立春の頃に寒気がピークとなったり, 悪天候になることが多い.今年は温かい立春であった.保福寺峠の雪も殆ど消えた.

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保福寺峠1  Hofukujitouge-pass1


保福寺峠2 Hofukujitouge-pass2

The First day of spring (according to the traditional calendar)
The recent Risshun was February 4, but it is today (February 3) this year after an interval of 124 years. Temperature begins to go up the Chinese inland where the twenty-four seasons in the old calendar were established from the time of the Risshun because of a continental climate. However, it often becomes a chill and the peak of the stormy weather in Japan.
Yesterday was Setubun. Our grandchildren said in a loud voice, “Out with the demon, In with fortune”, and they threw beans.

Setubun: a tradition of throwing dried soy beans, representing to get rid of bad luck and to welcome good luck.

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