

 昨日2月2日は節分.今日は立春. 立春が2月3日になるのは1897年以来124年ぶりという.二十四節気が成立した中国内陸部は大陸性気候のためこの時期から気温が上がり始めると言う. 海に囲まれた日本列島では立春の頃に寒気がピークとなったり, 悪天候になることが多い.今年は温かい立春であった.保福寺峠の雪も殆ど消えた.

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保福寺峠1  Hofukujitouge-pass1


保福寺峠2 Hofukujitouge-pass2

The First day of spring (according to the traditional calendar)
The recent Risshun was February 4, but it is today (February 3) this year after an interval of 124 years. Temperature begins to go up the Chinese inland where the twenty-four seasons in the old calendar were established from the time of the Risshun because of a continental climate. However, it often becomes a chill and the peak of the stormy weather in Japan.
Yesterday was Setubun. Our grandchildren said in a loud voice, “Out with the demon, In with fortune”, and they threw beans.

Setubun: a tradition of throwing dried soy beans, representing to get rid of bad luck and to welcome good luck.

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