

北海道大雪山の紅葉 (II)  高原温泉沼巡り

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高原沼コースの入り口 Entrance of the Kougennonnsenn-numa

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小さな紅葉  Small colored leaves

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雪になぎ倒された水芭蕉の葉  Leafs of giant skunk cabbage push down by snow

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土俵沼1  Dohyo-marsh 1

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土俵沼2  Dohyo-marsh 2

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滝見沼  Takimi-marsh

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緑沼1  Midori-marsh 1

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緑沼2  Midori-marsh 2

Colored leaves of the Daisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido (II) Kougennonnsenn-numa

The buses to“Ginsendai” were suspended for a heavy snow in yesterday (9/20). The receptionist said that the buses to“Ginsendai” would be suspended today. So, they decided to get on the shuttle bus to “Kougennonnsenn”. After taking a lecture of Yezo brown bears, they started mountain climbing. The mountain trail became the mud by snow until yesterday.

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北海道大雪山の紅葉 (I) 旭岳

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順調に羽田を飛び立つ  Fling away from Haneda smoothly

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旭川空港は雨の中  Asahikawa Airport in rain

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山の神  God of the mountain (Goshinnboku-tree)

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羽衣の滝  The Hagoromo-waterfall

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悪天候  Atrocious weather

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ナナカマドは紅葉する前に雪に見舞われた(旭岳ロープウェイ駅)  The rowan was hit by snow before turning red ( at the summit station of the Asahidake ropeway)

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銀河・流星の滝1   Waterfalls of the Milky Way and the meteor 1

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銀河・流星の滝2   Waterfalls of the Milky Way and the Meteor 2

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滝の解説  Explanatory notes of the falls

Colored leaves of the Daisetsuzan National Park in Hokkaido (I) Mt. Asahidake

Nekojiro’s masters went out in Hokkaido in 5 days and 4 nights from September 19 to watch colored leaves of the Daisetsuzan National Park. It was fine at the Haneda Airport, though Hokkaido was rainy. They drove a rent-a-car to the hotel of the foot of Asahidake in the rain. “ Unfortunate weather. If it was fine, you could see Mt. Asahidake in front ", a receptionist said.
It was rainy in the next morning. My masters thought that the Hagoromo-waterfall (the waterfall of the robe of an angel) would be seen even if it was rain, so they drove the car. After watching the waterfall, they went to the summit station of the Asahidake ropeway. There was the snow more than 20cm at the summit station, and, besides, cold rain fell. It was hardly the weather, which could take a walk through the summit area of Mt. Asahidake. So, they descended the mountain and drove to the hotel of Sounkyo. They went to watch the waterfall of the Milky Way, the meteor after drawing breath in a hotel.
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富士山救護活動 2


けあらしのような雲海 A sea of clouds


吊るし雲 Rotor cloud

Relief activities at the Mt. Fuji 8th First Aid Station II

Although He was hit by intense rain and storm during relief activities, it was fine in the sunrise time at the Mt. Fuji 8th First Aid Station. A very dark gray cloud covered the top of the mountain; probably “an umbrella cloud (Lenticularis)” covered the mountaintop of Mt. Fuji.
(Morning of the second day) A sea of clouds was energetic like big waves of the ocean and burnt like flame with the morning sun.
(Morning of the third day) My master saw a huge rotor cloud which was surrounded by bright red clouds.

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雨の中登山道に向かう Going to the mountain trail in rain

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大雨の中8合目の診療所にやっと到着、救護班のジャケットを着けて Arrived at the medical office of the eighth stage of the mountain trail in a heavy rain

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夜中1:00AM頃診療所の前を通って大雨の中を登る登山者群 Mountaineer groups to climb through in front of medical office at about 1:00 a.m. in a heavy rain

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8/31朝ご来光の日を受ける(山頂は雲の中) Receiving the morning sunlight (the mountaintop in a cloud)

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救護活動(ヘルメット姿の我猫ジローの主人) Relief activities (my master had a helmet)

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巡回に出る救護班 During patrol

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診療最終日、救護所の看板を降ろす On the medical treatment last day, took down the signboard of the Mt. Fuji 8th First Aid Station

Relief activities at the Mt. Fuji 8th First Aid Station I
My Nekojiro’s master climbed to the Mt. Fuji 8th First Aid Station (Medical Office at 3,100m), which is opened about two months during the summer mountain-climbing season, in a driving rain and a strong wind as a group leader. During the volunteer activity of 3 days and 2 nights, he watched the sun only about 30 minutes at the sunrise and about 30 minutes during the daytime. At other time, it was strong winds or heavy rain.
His party was busy in the midnight, because most of climbers moved during the midnight to watch the sunrise from the top of Mt. Fuji (3776m). Unfortunately, the top of the mountain was rainy and cloudy, so most of the climbers were not able to watch the sunrise during these three days. However, my master watched it at the Mt. Fuji 8th First Aid Station.

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