

道南の紅景 (3)

1昭和新山 のコピー.jpg

2昭和新山-ツツジ のコピー.jpg

昭和新山の紅葉とツツジ   Colored leaves and azalea on the hillside of Mt. Showa-shinzan

3昭和新山 のコピー.jpg

水蒸気を噴出する昭和新山  Mt. Showa-shinzan spewing out water vapor

4有珠山 のコピー.jpg

有珠山  Mt. Usu

5サケ遡上 のコピー.jpg

サケの遡上 Salmon migration upstream

Autumn leaves of Southern Hokkaido (3)
It was cloudy in the morning. So they could not see Mt. Yotei. The weather was gradually restored. They went to Mt. Usu in expectation of taking photos of colored leaves and Mt. Showa-shinzan. They found azaleas, which might bloom for the second time this year, on the hillside of Mt. Showa-shinzan. They saw “the salmon migration upstream” at the end of this trip. (Oct.28)

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道南の紅景 (2-5)

1湖上花火 のコピー.jpg

2湖上花火 のコピー.jpg

湖上花火 Fireworks over Lake Touya


Autumn leaves of Southern Hokkaido (2-5)
They arrived at the hotel around dark and saw four islands, which were famous as a power spot in Lake Touya. Unfortunately they could not find Mt. Yotei. At around 9:00 p.m., they enjoyed fireworks from the veranda of the room. He went to bed in hope of taking photos of both Mt. Yotei and Lake Touya the next early morning.

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道南の紅景 (2-4)

27-1五稜郭 のコピー.jpg

27五稜郭1 のコピー.jpg

28五稜郭2 のコピー.jpg

29五稜郭2 のコピー.jpg

五稜郭公園 Goryokaku Park

30-1大沼公園 のコピー.jpg

30大沼公園2 のコピー.jpg

31-1大沼公園2 のコピー.jpg

31大沼公園2 のコピー.jpg

32大沼公園3 のコピー.jpg

大沼公園 Onuma-koen

Autumn leaves of Southern Hokkaido (2-4)
 In the afternoon it cleared up. They went to Goryokaku Park and enjoyed autumn colors. After looking at Goryokaku Park, they went to Onuma-koen and enjoyed watching Mt. Komagatake with autumn leaves from a sightseeing boat. They found some swans that had come to spend the winter. (Oct.27)

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道南の紅景 (2-3)

22トラピスチヌ1 のコピー.jpg

トラピスチヌ修道院   Trappistine Monasteries

23ミカエル像 のコピー.jpg

ミカエル像   Statue of Saint Mikhail

24聖テレジアの像とトラピスチヌ修道院 のコピー.jpg

聖テレジアの像とトラピスチヌ修道院  Statue of Tele Dia and Trappistine Monasteries

25トラピスチヌ修道院司祭館 のコピー.jpg

トラピスチヌ修道院司祭館 Priest's house

26少女ベルナデッタと聖母マリア のコピー.jpg

少女ベルナデッタと聖母マリア   The Virgin Mary and Girl Bernadette

Autumn leaves of Southern Hokkaido (2-3)
In his childhood, Trappist cookie was the most famous one of Hokkaido. The picture of the monastery, which was printed on the tin can containing the cookies, remains in his mind as childhood memory. In this time, they visited Trappistine Monasteries and bought another kind of cookies. (Oct.27)

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道南の紅景 (2-2)

18香雪園2 のコピー.jpg

湯の川・香雪園(見晴公園)案内板  Signboard of Kousetu-en Garden

19香雪園1 のコピー.jpg

20紅葉1ー香雪園 のコピー 2.jpg

21紅葉2-香雪園 のコピー.jpg

庭園の紅葉 Colored leaves in the garden

Autumn leaves of Southern Hokkaido (2-2)
Kousetu-en Garden is a garden of the villa of business magnate Iwafune at the Meiji era, and it is said to be the best for autumn leaves in Hakodate. (Oct.27)

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道南の紅景 (2-1)

1ホテルから函館山 のコピー.jpg

ホテルから見た函館山と煉瓦作りの倉庫 Mt. Hakodate and brick warehouses (a view from the Hotel restaurant)

2案内板 のコピー.jpg

3立待岬1 のコピー.jpg

4立待岬2 のコピー.jpg

立待岬 Cape Tachimachi

5-1 のコピー.jpg

5元町の坂 のコピー.jpg

7チャチャ登り2 のコピー.jpg

6チャチャ登り1 のコピー.jpg

8元町二十間坂道 のコピー.jpg

9船魂神社1 のコピー.jpg

10船魂神社2 のコピー.jpg

11元町の坂ーマンホール のコピー.jpg

12元町の坂ーハートの石 のコピー.jpg

函館元町の散策 Walk through Motomachi

13奉行所1 のコピー.jpg

14ペリー1 のコピー.jpg

15奉行所2a のコピー.jpg

奉行所跡 Site of the Hakodate magistrate's office

16-1ロシアビザンチン様式の函館ハリストス正教会聖堂 のコピー.jpg

ロシアビザンチン様式の函館ハリストス正教会聖堂   Hakodate Orthodox Church (a style of Russian Byzantine architecture)

16公会堂1 のコピー.jpg

17公会堂 のコピー.jpg

公会堂 Public Hall

Autumn leaves of Southern Hokkaido (2-1)
Unfortunately it rained in the morning. They went to Cape Tachimachi to overlook Tsugaru Channel in the rain, and then took a walk through Motomachi. There were many slopes, and roads were paved with stones. Moreover, my master found many European-style buildings. So he felt the European style in the town of Hakodate. He thought that it was typical of Hokkaido that the names of the slopes still had Ainu words. There was a fortress leveling pole on the approach to Funadama shrine. A bronze statue of Perry was erected in the garden of the magistrate's office trace. He imagined that European and American Powers frequently visited Hakodate during both the Edo and Meiji era. (Oct.27)

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道南の紅景 (1)

1スマイルフェイス のコピー.jpg

FDAのスマイルフェイス Smile face of FDA

4モミジの紅葉 のコピー.jpg

黄色みが深い紅葉 Colored leaves, deeper yellowish in color

5エゾヤマザクラ1 のコピー.jpg

6エゾヤマザクラ2 のコピー.jpg

エゾヤマザクラ(本州のオオヤマザクラ) Prunus sargentii

2DSC_1122 のコピー.jpg

紅葉に囲まれる有珠山SA  Usuzan SA, surrounded by colored leaves

3DSC_1106 のコピー.jpg

有珠山SAからの昭和新山  Mt. Showa-Shinzan from Usuzan SA

7夜景1 のコピー.jpg

8夜景2 のコピー 2.jpg

函館の夜景 A night view of Hakodate

DSC02801 のコピー.jpg

夕食は海鮮居酒屋 Dinner at the sea foods bar


Autumn leaves of Southern Hokkaido (1)
 They enjoyed the autumn colors of Southern Hokkaido in 3 days and 2 nights on the weekend of October. The flight from Shinshu Matsumoto Airport was full, and most passengers wore masks. Also my masters used masks. In Tomakomai, they saw the colored leaves of “Prunus sargentii” and then they saw Mt. Showa-Shinzan from Usuzan SA in the distance. They enjoyed a night view of Hakodate from Mt. Hakodateyama at around 18:30. (Oct.26)

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陣馬形山 1445m


陣馬形山1 のコピー.jpg

陣馬形山山頂の案内板 Sign at the peak of Mt.Jinbagatayama

陣馬形山2 のコピー.jpg

東方の南アルプス the Southern Alps to the east

陣馬形山4 のコピー.jpg

間の岳遠望 Distant view of Mt.Manodake

陣馬形山3 のコピー.jpg

西方の中央アルプス the Central Alps to the west

陣馬形山5 のコピー.jpg

陣馬形山6 のコピー.jpg

ツツザキヤマジノギク  Aster hispidus var. tubulosus

陣馬形山7 のコピー.jpg

ススキ野原 Field of the Japanese pampas grass.


Mt.Jinbagatayama (1445m)
They climbed Mt.Jinbagatayama that is famous for the view of the entire Ina Valley from the top. They were able to see the Southern Alps to the east and to see Ina Valley and the Central Alps to the west from the summit. They also saw the rare wild chrysanthemum. A mountain hut staff said to them, “Rhododendron Kaempferi blooms in early summer”. When they descended the mountain, they saw the field of the Japanese pampas grass in the valley. (Oct.21)

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