

道南の紅景 (1)

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FDAのスマイルフェイス Smile face of FDA

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黄色みが深い紅葉 Colored leaves, deeper yellowish in color

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エゾヤマザクラ(本州のオオヤマザクラ) Prunus sargentii

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紅葉に囲まれる有珠山SA  Usuzan SA, surrounded by colored leaves

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有珠山SAからの昭和新山  Mt. Showa-Shinzan from Usuzan SA

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函館の夜景 A night view of Hakodate

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夕食は海鮮居酒屋 Dinner at the sea foods bar


Autumn leaves of Southern Hokkaido (1)
 They enjoyed the autumn colors of Southern Hokkaido in 3 days and 2 nights on the weekend of October. The flight from Shinshu Matsumoto Airport was full, and most passengers wore masks. Also my masters used masks. In Tomakomai, they saw the colored leaves of “Prunus sargentii” and then they saw Mt. Showa-Shinzan from Usuzan SA in the distance. They enjoyed a night view of Hakodate from Mt. Hakodateyama at around 18:30. (Oct.26)

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陣馬形山 1445m


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陣馬形山山頂の案内板 Sign at the peak of Mt.Jinbagatayama

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東方の南アルプス the Southern Alps to the east

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間の岳遠望 Distant view of Mt.Manodake

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西方の中央アルプス the Central Alps to the west

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ツツザキヤマジノギク  Aster hispidus var. tubulosus

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ススキ野原 Field of the Japanese pampas grass.


Mt.Jinbagatayama (1445m)
They climbed Mt.Jinbagatayama that is famous for the view of the entire Ina Valley from the top. They were able to see the Southern Alps to the east and to see Ina Valley and the Central Alps to the west from the summit. They also saw the rare wild chrysanthemum. A mountain hut staff said to them, “Rhododendron Kaempferi blooms in early summer”. When they descended the mountain, they saw the field of the Japanese pampas grass in the valley. (Oct.21)

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