

紅葉狩り-(1) Autumn leaf viewing (1)
#3 乗鞍岳と一ノ瀬牧場

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白骨から乗鞍岳遠望 Distance view of Mt.Norikuradake from Shirahone


一ノ瀬牧場-ナナカマドとオオカエデ  Sorbus commixta and Large maple tree at Ichinose ranch


前穂高遠望 Distance view of Mt.Maehotakadake

They took a drive to the Ichinose ranch via Shirahone and went back to Shirahone at the early time in the afternoon. So they had a plenty time to go to the Abou-pass. The colored leaves of the Abou-pass had been already over, however, they were able to view Mt.Maehodaka from a distance at the eighth curve. (Oct.21)
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紅葉狩り-(1) Autumn leaf viewing (1)

#2 白馬岩岳


山頂テラスからの白馬三山 Mountain-view from the terrace

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五竜岳遠望 Distance view of Mt.Goryu-dake


白馬岳遠望 Distance view of Mt.Shirouma-dake

They got on the first gondola (8:30 a.m.) only themselves. On the mountaintop terrace, they found only several people. From the terrace, they saw leaves, which changed color yellow. As the terrace had begun to be crowded little by little from around half past 9, they left there and took a walk. During walk, they saw leaves dyed red. (Oct.20)
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紅葉狩り-(1) Autumn leaf viewing (1)


#1 八方池

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黒菱平より白馬鑓ヶ岳杓子岳を望む Mt.Hakubayari and Mt.Shakushi-dake from Kurobishidaira


寸光  spot light

My masters enjoyed colored leaves in Mt.Norikura, Happoike-pond, Mt.Iwatake, and Takase Valley during October.

#1 Happoike-pond
They went to Kurobishidaira by car, and then they climbed to the Happoike-pond. When they arrived at the Happoike-pond, it was difficult to see it by fog. During descend from the Happoike-pond, fog cleared up for a moment.(Oct.14)

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