

バラ 一本木公園


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表情豊かなバラ達 Roses which are full of expressions

Roses: Ipponngi Rose garden

May of this year became hot. So roses bloomed at once, however the period of the rose blooming was long, because temperature remained at almost same level afterwards. Peoples were able to see 850 kinds of roses more than 3000 blooms in the Ippongi Park, which was established as a citizen's oasis in 1984.
My master decided to write a blog about the roses of this year in the Ippongi Park, during watching roses of his house today. He wanted someone to enjoy these splendid roses.

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追記)ある脳科学者が“赤毛のアン”は行動心理学的見地から読んでみると面白いと言ったのを聞いたことがあるわがネコジローの主人は、アンの生家を訪れるツアーが大人気であること、さらにこの本がいまだに世界中で読まれていることから読んでみようと思い立った。彼は、カナダに留学中に購入したAnne of Green Gables (L.M.Montgomery著、A Puffin Book) を書庫に見つけて読み始めた。Anneは心底“赤毛”であることを嫌っている。彼は、もう少しいい題名ならAnneは喜ぶだろうと思いながら読んでいる。

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自然園の入り口より At the entrance area of the Tugaike Nature garden

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ワタスゲ湿原 “Cotton grass(Eriophorum vaginatum)” wetland

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子犬のような雲 A puppy?

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水芭蕉の絨毯 A thick carpet of the Mizubashou

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水芭蕉と立金花 the Mizubashou and the yellow marsh marigold

Early-summer fine weather (during rainy season) -Tsugaike Nature garden

My Nekojiro’s master climbed up the Tugaike Nature garden twice in early summer fine day, carrying a heavy set of camera.
Beautiful weather. My master and his wife found many flowers of Mizubashou or the giant skunk cabbage (Lysichiton camtschatcensis) at the entrance area of the Tugaike Nature garden. Each flower was fine and small. They walked half round the wooden footpath and walked on the snow-covered road from there to the “Cotton grass(Eriophorum vaginatum)” wetland. The land appeared like an island form on the wetland, and they found clusters of the Mizubashou in one of those. He watched the cloud that a puppy ran from the Mt. Shakushi to Mt. Shiroumadake in the way back from the wetlands.
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しだれ栗自生地 The place of spontaneous growth of Shidarekuri (National Natural Monument)

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新緑のしだれ栗とツツジ The fresh green of the chestnut and the azalea

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老木とツツジ No.1  Old tree and the azalea No.1

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老木とツツジ No.2 Old tree and the azalea No.2

Shidarekuri (Weeping chestnut)
There is a place of spontaneous growth of Shidarekuri (National Natural Monument) in Tatsuno-machi. The branches of Shidarekuri hang down like an umbrella and they twist oddly. Strangely, it is said if the seed of Shidarekuri is brought up in other place, it grows like a common chestnut. The fresh green of the chestnut and the redness of the azalea become clear under the blue sky.

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大正池より焼岳 Mt. Yakedake from the Taisho-ike pond

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河童橋からの眺望 Mountain view from the Kappa bridge

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明神岳 Mt. Myojin

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二輪草と明神岳 Wind flowers and Mt.Myojin

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二輪草の群生(明神にて) Clusters of the wind flower are seen in Myojin

Kamikouchi in tender green
My master sits down on a computer to upload photographs, which he took during one-day Kamikouchi hiking on the end of May.
The wind flower (Anemone flaccida) blooms before the beginning of the rainy season. Clusters of the wind flower are seen in Myojin (one hour on foot from the Kappa bridge) and in Tokusawa (more one hour on foot).
They had used to hike from the Kappa Bridge to Tokusawa. This time, they went to Myojin and came back.
They seem to do an appropriate action to the decline of their physical strength.

追記) 二輪草とドクダミ(十薬)は梅雨前に咲く白い花である。主人達の庭にも咲いている。
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自宅の二輪草とドクダミ Wind flowers and Dokudami/Juuyaku in their garden

Wind flowers and Dokudami/Juuyaku (Houttuynia cordata) bloom before entering the rainy season. They also bloom in their garden.

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