

II. 八幡平—ドラゴンアイ

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ドラゴンアイ  Dragon eye

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ドラゴンアイの名残 Trace of the dragon eye

Trip to Michinoku in Midsummer
II. Hachimanndai- Dragon eye
If you are lucky, you could see the mysterious scene such as the eye of the dragon, which appears in "the Kagami-numa" in Hachimantai at the early summer.

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I. 八幡平—高山植物
 北上駅で下車しツアーバスで八幡平山バス停まで行きそこから八幡平山頂までハイキングをした。“フーフー”が効いたのか天候はやや回復した。高曇りの中を散策しながら、信州の高山帯で見られるハクサンチドリ、ハクサンシャクナゲ、コガネイチョウ、マイズルソウ、ヒメタケシマラン、オオバキスミレ、キヌガサソウ、イワナシ、イワカガミ、カラマツソウ、サンカヨウを見つけた。我猫ジローの主人は、今年信州で見ることが出来なかったシラネアオイの群生を見つけて小躍りした。マイズルソウの群生を見つけた時は奥さんに我々は幸せな世界に生きていると言った。“I’m so sorry for people who live in lands where there are no Mayflowers,” said Anne.を思い出したのだろう。

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ハクサンチドリ (ガイドは、白色はアルビノで非常に珍しいと言った) Dactylorhiza aristata (The guide said that it was an albino, and the white was very rare.)

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マイズルソウ(アンのいうMayflower)Maianthemum dilatatum

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イワカガミ Schizocodon soldanelloides

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シラネアオイ Glaucidium palmatum Siebold et Zucc.

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ヒナザクラ Primula nipponica

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アキタブキ Petasites japonicus subsp. giganteus

Trip to Michinoku in Midsummer
The beginning of the rainy season in Shinshu was almost the same with an average year. However, the time of the setting-in of the rainy season was greatly different from an average year in various parts of Japan. Moreover, the seasonal rain front stayed for a long time from Kyushu area to Tokai area. So, the official advice to evacuate caused by the heavy rain was often given in Kyushu.
Although the weather was bad, my masters went for a trip Michinoku. The wife breathed against rain clouds over a window of the Shinkansen, with a wish to blow off rain clouds.

I. Hachimanndai- Alpine plants
My masters found many alpine-plants seen in Shinshu during hiking at Hachimanndai. When he found “Mayflowers”, he said to his wife “ we are living in happy world”. He remembered that Anne said, " I’m so sorry for people who live in lands where there are no Mayflowers ".

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