

憧れのニュージーランドへ (V)-マウントクック遊覧飛行-


飛行場からマウントクック方向を見る  Seeing mount Cook direction from the airport


眼下にタスマン氷河  Seeing the Tasman glacier from the airplane


タスマン氷河に降り立つ  Standing on the Tasman glacier


マウントクックは雲の中   Where is mount Cook?


ホテルのベランダから見たマウントクック(20:30pm 突然姿を現す)   Seeing Mt. Cook from the veranda of their hotel room (at 20:30pm)


Greeting on the New Year's Eve!

New Zealand of the admiration (V)-mount Cook sightseeing flight -
They moved from Tekapo to the Mount Cook National Park by car and arrived at the Hermitage Hotel after 3:00 p.m. Although it was not rain, but they were not able to see the mountains which were covered thick cloud. So he thought that the sightseeing flight would be impossible. The employee of the airport came to pick them up just before 4:00 p.m. for a flight. She said that it was not able to fly by bad weather more than one week until the day before yesterday. She added that it was possible to fly by Cessna.
They finished dinner, and relaxed in the room. He checked the mount Cook several times from the veranda, but he was not able to see it in a cloud. At 20:30 p.m., Mount Cook appeared suddenly.

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憧れのニュージーランドへ (IV)-マウントジョンの花-

<ニュージーランドの固有種>  Endemic species
マタゴウリ のコピー.jpg

マタゴウリ   Discaria toumatou

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(正式名検索中)  (Chacking a botanical name)

<ニュージーランドの外来種>    Alien species
のばら(外来種) のコピー.jpg

のばら  Rosales

エニシダ(外来種) のコピー.jpg

エニシダ Cytisus scoparius

New Zealand of the admiration (IV) -Flowers of Mt. John-
My masters looked at many flowers in Mt. John trekking course. The guide said, “ The New Zealand inherent flower has not an outstanding color and is very small”. “Matagouri” is a low bush, which is a tangle-branched thorny plant. It is said that the Maori did a tattoo using this sharp splinter.

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憧れのニュージーランドへ (III)-マウントジョンパノラマトレッキング-


山頂の案内板 Sign at the mountain top


テカポ湖の由来 Legend of the Tekapo lake


マウントジョン山腹は羊の放牧地Grazing land of the Mt.John’s hillside


マウントジョン山頂から見るミルキーブルーのテカポ湖と善き羊飼いの教会 Seeing the Tekapo lake and the Church of the Good Shepherd from Mt. John mountain top


山頂の天文台 Mount John University Observatory


トレッキングコースからの眺望 (マウントクックは厚い雲の中) View from the trekking course (Mt. Cook in a thick cloud)


昼食に食べたサーモン丼  Salmon bowl, ate for lunch.

New Zealand of the admiration (III) -Mt.John panorama trekking-
Beautiful weather in Mt. John! They enjoyed trekking in the comfortable condition, even though strong wind. Their guide said, “The climate of New Zealand is severe and the east side of the Southern Alpine is a dry zone. Therefore the form of alpine plants in Mt. John is small and is fitted to the dry climate.”

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憧れのニュージーランドへ (II)-ルピナス-


朝日に輝くルピナス Lupine glistened with the morning sun


ルピナスとテカポ湖そしてサザンアルプス Lupine, Tekapo lake and the Southern Alps

ルピナス3 のコピー.jpg

鳥型の流木と鴨の群れ A bird-shaped driftwood and a crowd of ducks

New Zealand of the admiration (II) -Lupine- 
Their plan of today is trekking in the morning and doing sightseeing flight in the afternoon. My master got up at 4:30 a.m. and checked weather with TV. According to the weather forecast, it drizzles in the morning and becomes rainy in the afternoon. What a pity!
He took heart and opened a curtain. He saw the Southern Alps clearly. He went for taking photos at the very beginning with his wife. Lupine glistened with the morning sun and changed the color every moment. His wife said, “How wonderful!  The color of the Tekapo Lake is so milky blue and the top of the Southern Alps is covered with white snow”.

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憧れのニュージーランドへ (I)追記 —働き方—


ラマ 1.jpg

ラマが働き方を見直してみてはと言っているようだ。 Think about a way of working !

New Zealand of the admiration (I)   A postscript –how to work-
At last they arrived at the small town from Christchurch on the driving for about two hours and took the break in the big shop, which sold the woolen stuff product in the suburbs of the town. In the back of the shop, there was one big tree and a very large ranch of both sheep and llama. They entered the shop at around 3:50 p.m. A storekeeper said, "Sorry! We will close our shop at 4:00 pm, so we cannot sell the products now. Please use the restroom freely and enjoy the ranch. Thank you!” . They took a walk through the ranch and came back to the shop. They saw that the storekeeper and approximately five people drank tea under the big tree, enjoying New Zealand early summer. If they were Japanese, they would do business even after the closing time. It says common sense in the New Zealand that even big supermarket closes early if there is not a shopper.

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憧れのニュージーランドへ (I)

1ニュージーランドクリスマスツリー のコピー.jpg

ポフツカワ(ニュージーランドクリスマスツリー)の木1-オークランド空港- Metrosideros excels

2ニュージーランドクリスマスツリーの花 のコピー.jpg

ポフツカワの木の花 Flowers of Metrosideros excels

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テカポ湖のルピナスと流木(大雨で水位が上がりルピナスは水中花) Flowers of the lupine (Water level rises by heavy rain; the lupine in water)

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テカポ湖と善き羊飼いの教会  (Lake Tekapo and Church of the Good Shepherd)

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善き羊飼いの教会 夕景1 Church of the Good Shepherd (Evening landscape 1)

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善き羊飼いの教会 夕景2 Church of the Good Shepherd (Evening landscape 2)

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善き羊飼いの教会 夜景3 Church of the Good Shepherd (Evening landscape 3)

New Zealand of the admiration (I)
My masters have each admiration in New Zealand. They seem to feel close to New Zealand still more, because All Blacks played an active play in Rugby World Cup 2019 (it was held in Japan). However, they worried whether they could do a good trip. There was a volcanic eruption in the White Island (near the North Island) the day before (12/9) of the departure, and the weather forecast during a nine-day trip was rainy or cloudy day after day. However, they went to such New Zealand.
They left Narita at evening and arrived in Oakland on the next morning. They looked many beautiful flowers at Oakland Airport. They flew more to Christchurch from Oakland. Furthermore, they got into an exclusive car for four hours and arrived at Tekapo in the evening. My master’s wife, who was holding the admiration in a New Zealand flower, stood still at the Lake Tekapo and watched the field of flowers of the lupine.

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