

パタゴニア紀行 3 <エル・チャルテン泊 フィッツ・ロイを遠望>

追記2)フィッツ・ロイはイギリス海軍軍人のロバート・フィッツロイ(Robert Fitz Roy)に由来するが,先住民は白い煙を吐く山“エル・チャルテン”と呼んでいた.パタゴニアでは①偏西風,②地衝風(ちしょうふう;太平洋から大西洋に吹き込む強風),③局地風(チリとアルゼンチンの地形による)の3つの風が複雑に絡み合わさって強風になるという.このためフィッツ・ロイには雲が湧きやすくその全貌を現すのは稀なことから“晴天率3%”と言われる.

Fitz Roy comes from Mr. Roy of the British sailor. The indigenous people named the mountain " El Chaltén ". It means a mountain sending forth-white smoke. In Patagonia, there is three kind of wind; ① the prevailing westerlies, ② the geostrophic wind, and ③ the local wind. The strong wind blows without cease, and it hits the mountains, and thereby large quantities of clouds always occur. Therefore, it is rare that Fitz Roy is seen. So it is said to be "3% of fine weather rates in Patagonia".

追記3) 強い風が絶えず吹くパタゴニアでは撮影に困難さを感じた.フィッツ・ロイの撮影ポイントとなる展望台は風よけのために石垣で囲まれていたが,写真を撮るためには石垣よりカメラを高い位置にセットする必要がある. 主人は三脚の足を必要最小限の長さにし,ストーンバックには大きめの石を3,4個いれ,さらにシャッターはリモコンで行うなど風が撮影におよぼす影響を最小限にするために細心の注意をしながら撮影をしたが多くのショットでブレていた.

Strong wind always blew in Patagonia. There was a stone wall of the protection from the strong wind in the Fitz Roy observation deck. Using a tripod, he set his camera at the position that was higher than the stone wall. Although he paid scrupulous attention to set the camera, the camera moved slightly because of the strong Patagonia wind. He thought that it was the very difficult condition to take a photograph without the blurring in Patagonia.

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パタゴニア紀行 3 <エル・チャルテン泊 フィッツ・ロイを遠望>

エル・チャルテン1日目 夕方 Evening of the first day:

雲の動きは激しく全容が見られたのは極短時間であった(右:フィッツ・ロイ, 3405m. 左:ポインセ・ノット, 3002m) The movement of the cloud was intense, so that it was a very short time that the whole aspect of Fit Roy was seen. (right: Fit Roy, 3405m. left: Poincenot, 3002m.)

エル・チャルテン2日目 夕方 Evening of the second day.

展望台から見た褶曲山脈 Color of the folded-mountain range


右:フィッツ・ロイ, 3405m. 左:ポインセ・ノット, 3002m (right: Fit Roy, 3405m. left: Poincenot, 3002m.


夕方エル・チャルテンの町明かりとフィッツ・ロイ Evening of the second day. Town light and Fitz Roy

エル・チャルテン3日目 Morning of the third day.


朝焼け  フィッツ・ロイ峰(右) とセロ・トーレ峰(左) Morning glow of the mountains

 They stayed in El Chaltén for three days and tried taking picture of Fit Roy from several places. The local guide said, “It is very lucky for you and it is unusual to see Fit Roy three times during the 3-day stays in El Chaltén”. Their tour conductor also said that Fitz Roy was never seen during 3-day stays on the tour of the last year.
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