

緊急事態宣言解除 ステイ家からステイ信州12 

 暦の上では秋だというのに暑い。主人達は涼をもとめて乗鞍に出かけた。一ノ瀬園地(1480m)での気温は28度、マツムシソウ(Scabiosa japonica)の群落が迎えてくれた。三本滝(1800m) での気温は24度、エゾリンドウ(Gentiana triflora var. japonica)・コオニユリ (Lilium lancifolium)・ワレモコウ(Sanguisorba officinalis)・アキノキリンソウ(Solidago virgaurea var. asiatica)が迎えてくれた。松本の最高気温は35.9度であった。

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マツムシソウ   Scabiosa japonica

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エゾリンドウ   Gentiana triflora var. japonica

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コオニユリ   tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium)

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ワレモコウとアキノキリンソウ  Sanguisorba officinalis and Solidago virgaurea var. asiatica

Lifted the state of emergency. The stay-Shinsu stage XII.

For refreshing coolness to Mt.Norikura
Now it is fall on the calendar. Although it is abnormally hot. My masters went to Mt. Norikura for cool air. The temperature of Ichinose (1480m) was 28 degrees. They saw a lot of flowers of the Scabiosa japonica. The temperature of Sannbonndaki (1800m) was 24 degrees. There were many kind of flowers; Gentiana triflora var. japonica, Sanguisorba officinalis, Lilium lancifolium et al. The highest temperature of Matsumoto was 35.9 degrees.

追記)8/30に開催予定であった自転車レースとしては国内最高所を走る大会乗鞍ヒルクライム2020 (全長20,5km,標高差1260m)は新型コロナウイルスのため中止となった。

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緊急事態宣言解除 ステイ家からステイ信州11 



岩の上で見守る親鳥 The parent bird watching from the top of rock (photo by A.H.)


子供達仲良く1 The young birds 1 (photo by A.H.)


子供達仲良く2 The young birds 2 (photo by A.H.)

Lifted the state of emergency. The stay-Shinsu stage XI.

Email from the Northern Alps
My master said,” "it is enviable". His younger brother A.H. is a good climber and a good walker. He climbs the mountain of the Northern Alps in time less than half of the course time. Even if a mountain climbing season began, he stayed at home. The Bon Festival passed, and the number of mountaineer decreased. Therefore he climbed Tsubakurodake. He started to climb in order to avoid meeting with mountaineers from 3:00 a.m. There was no one. He mailed photographs of parent and children of the rock ptarmigan.

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