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光城山の桜  Cherry blossoms of Mt. Hikarujouyama

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我が家のシャクナゲ Rhododendron

Cherry trees blooming like the rising-up Dragon

From Mt.Hikarujouyama people are able to overlook Azumino and the Northern Alps. About 2,000 cherry trees were planted from the starting point of the mountain climb to the mountaintop in the Taisho era (about 100 years ago). The cherry trees begin to bloom from the starting point in the middle of April, and blooming advances to the mountaintop day by day. People say, " Cherry trees bloom like the rising-up Dragon”. While pandemic fear of COVID-19, my master took a photo from the place where a person was not there. He said, “I am able to take flowers which bloom in my garden without anxiety.”

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追記) 4月16日午後6時過ぎに日本国中に緊急事態宣言が発令された。

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4月17日朝刊トップページ Top page of the morning edition on April 17 (Asahi Shimbun)

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4月16日の感染状況 The infection situation on April 16 (Asahi Shimbun)

Emergency declaration was announced in Japan after 6:00 p.m. on April 16..

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ヒメギフチョウの飛翔 1枚目と2枚目は連続写真で間隔は400msec. Flight of the Luehdorfia puziloi (two consecutive photographs, 400msec interval)

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カタクリ Katakuri (Erythronium japonicum)

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ギフチョウの標本(約40年前に岐阜で息絶えているギフチョウを発見し標本にした。ヒメギフチョウはギフチョウより一回り小さいが羽の文様はよく似ている。) A sample of Gifu butterfly (Luehdorfia japonica). My master discovered the Gifu butterfly, which was dead in Gifu, and he sampled it about 40 years ago. The Luehdorfia puziloi is one size smaller than Gifu butterfly, but wings’ pattern resembles closely.

Katakuri (Erythronium japonicum) and Himegifuchou (Luehdorfia puziloi)

The Katakuri (Erythronium japonicum) of about 200,000 plants bloom on the slope of the hillside behind of Kosenji-temple. In addition, plants that are becoming the larval bait of the Luehdorfia puziloi grow in this area. My masters observed for two hours and found only one Luehdorfia puziloi which flew three times. One flight time was very short time, about 10 several seconds. A few people were there.
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安養寺の枝垂れ桜 <4月11日>
追記) 午前中主人達は松本城の周りを散策した。閑散としていた。

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女鳥羽川 鯉のぼり(11:25am) Carp streamer

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松本城の観光バス駐車場 一台も駐車なし (11:40am) No bus in a sightseeing bus parking lot of Matsumoto-jo Castle


4月11日の状況 Situation of April 11

In the morning they took a walk around Matsumoto-jo Castle. The streets were deserted.

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枝垂れ桜と月 (5:40am) Weeping cherry trees and the moon

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朝日が差し始める (5:58am) The morning sun has begun to shine.

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薄氷が溶け始めた (6:05am) Thin ice had begun to melt.

Weeping cherry tree of Anyoji-temple

My master’s wife said, “Let’s go to see the weeping cherry trees which turned red in the morning sun”. So, they visited Anyoji in the morning for these days. Unfortunately the scenery that was expected by them was not seen in the cloud yesterday. In this morning, it was fine, and very cold. They were able to see the scenery that was expected by them.
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庭のチューリップ Tulips

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菜の花 Rape blossoms.

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スーパームーン Supermoon (挿入:スーパームーン 今夜も関東から九州で楽しめる;日本気象協会 本社田中 正史2020年04月08日15:29.

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緊急事態宣言 A declaration of a state of emergency

Kanbutsue & Supermoon
< April 8> Kanbutsue is the ceremony that celebrates the birth of Buddha (Apr.8). Kanbutsue is generally called Flower Festival (Hana-maturi). Remembering Kanbutsue, my master took photos of flowers in his garden. According to news, a supermoon will be seen on the night of 8th from midnight of April 7. He saw the supermoon, which appeared from cloud around 8:00 pm and disappeared within 10 minutes.
Today's newspaper published news of the emergency declaration in the top page.

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城山公園からアルプス公園へ  4月5日(日)


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日向ぼっこをする庭師2人   Two gardeners, basking in the sunshine

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桜は5分咲き    Cherry-blossom; half in bloom

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散策路の草木瓜(スミレと同じ大きさ)  Japanese quince (Size same as a violet)

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桜とコブシの競演(挿入写真は桜とメジロ)Cherry tree and Kobushi magnolia (Insertion photograph: cherry tree and Japanese white-eye)

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小太郎の枝垂れ桜 Kotaro’s Weeping cherry tree

To the Alps Park via Jouyama Park  Apr.5 (Sunday)
My masters walked to the Alps Park via Jouyama Park in the morning. While about two-hour walking, they met less than15 people.

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追記)新型コロナウイルス感染状況 The COVID-19 infection situation today.

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松本城と桜 (III)

<4月2日> ぽかぽか陽気に誘われて松本城に出かけて行った。日本を含め世界中が新型コロナウイルスの猛威にさらされているが健康維持のために主人達は3【密】を避けて散歩をしている. お堀の周りでは20人程が散策していたが園内は10人程であった。

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4月2日の松本城の風景 Scenery of Matsumoto Castle of Apr.2

Matsumoto Castle and Cherry-blossoms (III)

 The cheerful warmly weather tempted my masters to go out to a walk to Matsumoto Castle. About 20 people were walking around the moat, but there were less than ten people in the Castle garden.
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追記)新型コロナウイルス感染状況 The COVID-19 infection situation today.

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松本城と桜 (II)

<3月29日> 昨夜から雨になり今日の朝方から横殴りの雪となった.主人は桜と梅の花と雪の写真が撮りたいと思い松本城に出かけて行った.松本でも3月末に雪が降ることは稀にはあるが,桜の開花は例年4月上旬から中旬であるから松本城の“桜と雪景色”は主人の数十年の人生の中で初めてであろう.

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鴨も凍えている Ducks in the snow

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松本市のマスコットキャラクター“アルプちゃん”と With mascot character "Arp" of Matsumoto city

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松本城のガイドさん A tour guide in Matsumoto Castle

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桜と松本城 Cherry blossoms and Matsumoto Castle

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桜に雪   Snow in cherry blossoms

Matsumoto Castle and Cherry-blossoms (II)

Today it snowed from morning. In Matsumoto, it is unusual that it snows at the end of March and cherry trees bloom at the middle 10 days from the beginning of April in an average year. Therefore, it is difficult to imagine for him that people are able to see snow and cherry blossoms together.
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松本城と桜 (I)

<3月28日> 今年は暖冬により桜の開花は全国的に10日から2週間程早いと言われている。松本城の外堀にある枝垂れ桜が薄っすらと色づき始めたのをみた主人達は松本城に出かけた。城内庭園に入るには入場料を払うが、今は “新型コロナウイルスの為無料開放”となっている。世界の大都市では“外出禁止令”が出されているが日本では現段階は「密閉空間」,「密集場所」,「密接場面」の3【密】を避けて行動することが勧告されている. その為か、または薄曇りで肌寒さを感じる天気の為か園内には数人しかいなかった。

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3月28日の松本城の風景   Scenery of Matsumoto Castle of March 28

Matsumoto Castle and Cherry-blossoms (I)

This year was the mild winter in Japan. Therefore, it was forecasted that the flowering of the cherry tree was ten days earlier than from an average year. My master saw the color change of the weeping cherry of Matsumoto Castle, so he went to there with his wife.
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